Arkwright Lawsuit Details Turbine Horrors

A lawsuit in Arkwright, New York that has thus far crawled along at a snail’s pace will continue – after further delay.

Richard Alexander et. al v. EDP Renewables North America LLC et al. was originally filed Sept. 24, 2019, by dozens of North County residents over the Arkwright Summit Wind Farm, which consists of 47 wind turbines erected in 2018.

Residents are asking the court for unspecified damages related to loss of property values, compensatory damages for destruction of homes and lifestyle, loss of use and enjoyment of their properties, damages for relocation costs and time spent relocating, mental anguish, destruction of scenic countryside, physical pain and suffering, difficulty sleeping, nuisance, trespass, interference with electronics in their homes such as satellites, telephones and televisions, loss of business profits, special damages for stress, anxiety, worry and inconvenience, and the effects lights and noise from the turbines have on their properties.

Read the full story here.

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Wind Concerns is a collaboration of citizens of the Lakeland Alberta region against proposed wind turbine projects.

One Comment


    Please read about the travesty of justice that occurred in Ontario with Human Rights Lawyer, Julian Falconer.
    His statements are still significant.

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