by Tanya Modersitzki, October 22nd 2024 by Channel 8 News
Individuals are up in arms after learning a permit to build wind turbines has been submitted near their homes… some residents are organizing to see what can be done to stop it.
Some Hanna, Oklahoma residents are trying to make sure the project that’s expected to bring wind turbines and its health effects doesn’t blow over peoples’ heads.
“The National Health Organization actually says wind turbines are causing medical illnesses in people, animals, livestock, and wildlife. It’s destructive,” Dawn Stacy, a resident, said.
Tim and Dawn Stacy are pastors at the Apostolic Church of Hanna.

Late last month they stumbled upon this “Notice of Intent to Build Canadian River Wind Project” in McIntosh County on the Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s site.
The Project not only includes 121 wind turbines that are 720 feet tall.
After doing some research, the Stacy’s say they’re worried for the health and wellness of their community.
“Epoxy Resin, or the chemical, we’re right between the north Canadian and south Canadian river so no matter where the wind blows, or the water runs it’s going which makes its way into Lake Eufala,” Tim said.
Tim said Hanna’s water comes from wells.
“It will destroy our water system if that chemical gets in the water system,” he said.
Tim adds Monday night, he went to the McIntosh County Commissioner meeting to ask commissioners to file a moratorium to stop the build until everyone can learn more about the project.
News Channel 8 reached out to the County they said in an email the person to speak with was out for an emergency, The station also reached out to the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, but they did not respond.
The Stacy’s said wind turbines will dry up the soil, impact crops and worry how else it may affect them financially.
“That is costs the citizens of McIntosh County will have to absorb if they come through and tear our roads up or use our gravel, we already struggle with issues like that,” Dawn said.
“I don’t care how good it’s supposed to be or how much it generates is it worth our health is it worth your neighbor’s health,” Tim said.
Wind Concerns is a collaboration of citizens of the Lakeland Alberta region against proposed wind turbine projects.
This is ‘Down Wind’, a video produced in Ontario 8 years ago. Please watch it and know that none of the horrible stories of turbines that were sited in close proximity and in some cases in clusters surrounding homes where innocent men, women and children have reported harm and in some cases, are still being harmed, have been properly resolved. Residents have been forsaken by both the Liberal and now the Conservative governments. They tried everything they could think of……to no avail. People were forced to leave their homes or forced stay away from them as much as possible in order to protect their health. These turbines are still being subsidized and now there are 20 year contracts that are possibly being extended.
For the most part the mainstream media has been silenced and in their silence they are complicit.